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Writer's picturebayoubarley

Review: Blushing Monk

Brewed by Founders Brewery

Fruited Belgian Style Ale

ABV: 9.2%

"When our love of fruit and our love of beer come together, Blushing Monk happens. Brewed with a ridiculous amount of raspberries for tart yet luscious raspberry-jam character and fermented with Belgian yeast for subtle fruit and spice esters. Think of Blushing Monk as Rubaeus’ older sibling – more intense, slightly larger and just a little bit more mature."

Most famous for their delectable stouts, this is our first taste of a belgian from Founders.

Upon opening you get smacked with the aromas of sweet raspberries, touches of honey and nice Belgium yeast notes. It pours a dark ruby red (almost purple) with pretty pink head that falls slowly.

You get a ton of raspberry taste with this one. Light tart hints of lemon and white grapes. The touch of sweetness counteracts with the tartness to be pretty well balanced. The finish is light with a slight alcohol warmness. This beer is smooth and fruity, with just a light kick in the finish to make it a winner.

The mouthfeel is a bit lighter than you would think with a 9% beer but it's very smooth and fits the beer perfectly.

Overall this is a delicious fruit beer that is brewed well. Definitely different from our usual Founders experience and definitely very enjoyable.

Bayou Barley Rating: 86


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