Brewed by Abita
ABV: 8%
"With aromas & flavors of strawberry and peanut butter, PB & Jams will immediately take you back to your favorite childhood snack - the peanut butter & jelly sandwich. The flavors meld perfectly resulting in a medium bodied brew with a subtle sweetness"
PB & Jams was a surprising hit for us. Based on the name and the nostalgic artwork we decided to give this beer a try and I'll be honest, I didn't expect much. To my surprise I really enjoyed this beer. It's not too sweet but sweet enough. It's surprisingly drinkable despite having a decent ABV.
It pours a hazy golden brown with a white head that dissipates quickly. The aromas for this one don't smack you in the face like some other beers but it makes up for it in the taste. The taste of this beer will quickly bring you back to your childhood eating some good ole' PB&J Sandwiches. Abita nailed what they were going for with this one.
Bayou Barley Rating: 85